I tend to sabotage my own progress so this 21 day challenge has been great for me. I also tend to go all out and hurt myself and then don't exercise for a day...which leads to 2 and then it's a month. So I have to go slow and build stamina/strength again. I'm getting there!
Jamie Ames
Mar 24 at 04:40 PM
Mar 23 at 08:27 PM
I'm trying so hard to change my eating to something more healthy and sustainable...my family had McDonald's for supper. I made a turkey burger and ate an apple. Then I made them listen to the sweet sound of the infinity hoop lol.
Mar 22 at 06:49 PM
My kid called me out today "um mom. Have you exercised the last 2 days?" So I got the infinity hoop out and did 40 minutes to make up for it.
Mar 18 at 05:41 PM
My legs are on fire!! "Raised squats are no joke" right Andre Belle ?! Posture is something I need to work on too..as I was slumped over when you said to check yourself throughout the day lol. Great workout.
Mar 17 at 11:39 PM
I went 30 minutes with the infinity hoop today! I got interested in a show and didn't realize how long I went today. Then I couldn't stop watching the show so I got on the treadmill lol.
Mar 16 at 07:04 PM
Mar 15 at 02:34 PM
Doing some much needed pampering today. I'll get to exercising later..for now I am enjoying the massage chair and some quiet time.
Mar 14 at 09:41 PM
Mar 13 at 06:42 PM
Day 7 of hooping and arm workout. Legs are feeling it from the resistance bands yesterday. Keeping at it though!!
Mar 12 at 10:50 AM
I've said it before but the 10 minute core strength video is soooo good. One day I might be able to do every move the whole time. If you only have 10 minutes but want to work out your abs, legs, and booty...this is the perfect video. I did that dang infinity hoop for the 6th day. It's now just become a challenge to see if I can stick with it lol (which is the point of this 21 day challenge but I'm real good at quitting after a few days lol)