Jamie Ames


Mar 11 at 06:31 PM

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Day 5 of the infinity hoop...it isn't getting any easier lol. I also did a 15 minute cardio hiit bonus video. The sweat was rolling down my face but it felt good to get my heart pumping.


Mar 10 at 04:35 PM

Day 4...it was a beautiful day to hoop outside.


Mar 09 at 09:38 PM

Day 3 I did the infinity hoop again...today I did it for 25 minutes! I also did the arm blast video. That's all I had the energy to get done today. I wish I could get proper sleep...3-4 hours is just not enough. Working 3rd shift is really starting to wear on me (been doing it for 13 years but still haven't found the secret to being able to get enough sleep)

Mar 09 at 12:47 PM



Mar 08 at 12:57 PM

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Day 2...today I did the infinity hoop again and the bicep x abs video for the first time. I only used 3lb weights but that was enough to start off with until I get some strength back.
I also ate a banana instead of the delicious cupcakes from my daughters birthday yesterday (my husband took the one that's missing)


Mar 07 at 11:28 AM

My sister let me borrow her infinity hoop months ago. I've used it like 2 times. Tried it out again today. I only got 20 minutes in before I couldn't stand my shirt twisting and the hoop digging in.
So tip...wear a tight fitting shirt and pad your sides!


Mar 07 at 09:52 AM

Andre Belle do we post it in the "general" group or somewhere else?

Feb 06 at 04:46 PM

A very good workout for legs and core. bonus that it is only 10 minutes...but don't let that fool ya! I'm definitely feeling the burn!



Jan 02 at 11:08 AM

I went back and did the "zone 4" workout. I am definitely going to need that wheelchair! I didn't push myself as hard as I could have BUT I am happy that I got off the couch and did something. I'm proud that I was in zone 4 at all. Probably won't be able to walk tomorrow but I'm going to push through and get back on track!


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Dec 18 at 06:21 PM

You're so festive...I love it!!