Metric Hughley

Columbus, OH, United States


Jul 06 at 12:38 PM

Got that walk in after class today... applied more Coco oil for even more 💦


Jul 04 at 09:16 AM

Let's go... Coach Dre check out your telegram message please and thank you


Jul 03 at 08:44 PM

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I couldn't even take a picture accurately I had so much sweat in my eyes running down my face my neck my arms yeah that coco oil combined with Coach Dre tabata class yesterday I think it's going to be an early night for me LOL



Jul 01 at 01:12 PM

All right got another 10,000 steps in today sharing this pic because I walked yesterday forgot to share my step total but I didn't get my sweater on because I forgot about my coco oils...y'all if y'all walking that coco oil truly makes a big difference...YW lol



Jun 26 at 03:06 PM

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Okay trying to ease back into this... Everybody get your sweat on everybody everybody get your sweat on... Using Cocos cream and oils today did one of the recordings that coach Dre did for those who couldn't join us in DR... And trying this watermelon salad that only has mint feta cheese and red onions think I'm going to try different recipe it's all right a little balsamic vinaigrette when you serve it but I'm about to throw down LOL



Jun 07 at 08:58 AM

Alrighty I had 2,300 steps then I updated the fitmo program which started my steps over I'm counting those steps just don't have the proof LOL



Jun 05 at 07:04 PM

Hey coach I attempted to get into the intermittent fasting guide and meal guide it says no preview available files in owner's trash



Jun 05 at 07:22 AM

Grand Rising! I went to bed last night with the intent of waking up earlier trying to be intentional I wanted to knock these 9,000 steps out before I started work needless to say that didn't happen nevertheless needless to say the goal will be met plus more y'all have a wonderful walk your waist away day


Jun 04 at 06:02 AM

Grand Rising I cannot wait to break my fast today with these apples, watermelon, green grapes, and Mandarin oranges... With the little raw organic honey and cinnamon to top it off if I hold out late at 9:30 this morning I would have completed a 36-hour fast so I think I'm going to eat about 11:30 giving me 38 hours and I have to say I actually feel pretty good no headache I still feel like I have the energy to do whatever I need to get accomplished let's go


Jun 01 at 09:24 PM

At a concert... I'm sure I'll add more steps