Kimberly Young


Jan 11 at 09:19 AM

Breakfast today!!! Who says you need meat every morning!! Crushing these goals, let’s go!!

Chicago weather reminds me of my once broken knee. Coach Trish’s class (my first one) was outstanding. As she said and I quote “We have modifications for everyone “; love that!! Thank you Coach T. I’ll be back.



Dec 04 at 09:20 AM

Breakfast Salad: onions, cauliflower, peppers, avocado, mixed greens, radishes, no meat Monday I say!!!

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Dec 02 at 09:50 AM

Bishop TJ Jakes says it best “Get ready, get ready, get ready”!

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Nov 16 at 05:37 PM

Will do!!


Nov 13 at 06:06 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

Meal prep yesterday - Brown Rice; Mixed Veggies and Air fried salmon.

Nov 10 at 06:03 PM


Back!!! I’m sore from the top of my head to the soles of my feet!!! Lawdddd!!!

Nov 10 at 06:03 PM


Back!!! I’m sore from the top of my head to the soles of my feet!!! Lawdddd!!!